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MedDevDoc Marie Skłodowksa Curie Fellowship Programme 2024, CÚRAM, SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices (University of Galway 111-24)

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for 25 full-time fixed-term Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Fellows (DFs) with CÚRAM, SFI Research Centre for Medical Devices at the University of Galway.  


These positions are available from December 2024 for a period of 48 months. 


MedDevDoc is an advanced Industry-Academia Training, Career Development, and Mobility Fellowship Programme. 


CÚRAM MedDevDoc Fellowships are open to applicants of any nationality, resident anywhere in the world (see eligibility criteria in a guide for applicants), seeking a prestigious career development fellowship in medical device research and development based at one of the following host organisations:  University of Galway (GALWAY), University College Dublin (UCD), The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University of Limerick (UL), Dublin City University (DCU), Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), University College Cork (UCC), National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) and Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin). 


Positions involve two main phases: an initial host organisation phase and a secondment phase in a non-academic sector. The projects will encompass the broad area of Medical Device Research and Development, including Biomaterials and Drug Delivery Devices, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging and Soft Robotics, Immuno Engineering, and Education and Public Engagement (EPE) and Science Advocacy Programmes and regulations.  


During the 48-month MedDevDoc Programme, the University of Galway will publish a call for applications and recruit 25 Doctoral Students. To ensure a wide range of applicants from different genders, nationalities, and types of background education can engage with the programme. The target group for MedDevDoc is formed by master’s students interested in the critical scientific areas of interest to CÚRAM including, Regenerative Medicine, Medical Devices (Biomaterials and Drug Delivery) and MedTech AI.  All applicants must fulfil the requirements of the MSCA mobility conditions. Consequently, the dissemination will be internationally focused, will use international media, and will be in English. We welcome applications from candidates who have had career breaks and are looking to return to a research-based career and from candidates who have had a non-traditional career path. 

You can learn more about our vision, research platforms, a consortium of academic and industry partners, Science policy and advocacy, and public engagement on our website CÚRAM - CÚRAM (curamdevices. ie). MedDevDoc fellows will collaborate and integrate with multidisciplinary teams to provide the training ground for designing and manufacturing next-generation devices and implants. Further information can be found in the Detailed Guide for Applicants to MedDevDoc and Quick Guide for Applicants to MedDevDoc are available at: 

This project has received co-funding from Horizon Europe’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Grant Agreement No:101126640. 



Essential Criteria: 

As per the MSCA definition: 

  • MedDevDoc are open to candidates who have a 1st class or a 2:1 honour first degree and have/are due to obtain a Master’s in Biomaterials, Biomedical Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Cell Biology, Biology, Biochemistry, or related discipline from different genders and nationalities. They must not already own a doctoral degree. Medical Doctors are also invited to apply if they can demonstrate an understanding of the clinical or life sciences research process. 
  • All applicants for whom first language is not English must present an English language qualification taken within two years before the application (Suggested English language qualifications include IELTS, Cambridge C1 Advanced, Cambridge C2 Advanced, TOEFL iBT/TOEFL iBT Home Edition, Pearson PTE and Duolingo) 
  • Comply with the MSCA mobility rule: have not resided or conducted their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Ireland for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the submission deadline.  Compulsory national service and short stays such as holidays are not considered. 

Please note: 


Gross Salary: 

Remuneration aligns with EC rules for Marie Skłodowska- Curie COFUND grants:  

The minimum gross salary range for doctoral fellowships is from €30,901 to €37,726 per annum. 


The range depends on the applicant's eligibility, such as Mobility and Family allowance. Salaries are subject to taxes and deductions, e.g., deduction of PRSI (employee social security) and income taxes. For more information about tax entitlements, please go to 


Start date: Positions are available from November 2024. 

Continuing Professional Development/Training: 

Fellows are encouraged to avail themselves of training and development opportunities to support their career development plans. Further, CÚRAM shall facilitate this training with its partners [For more details on our partners: CÚRAM - CÚRAM (]. For information on moving to Ireland, please see Researchers are encouraged to engage with our Researcher Development Centre (RDC) upon employment - see HERE for further information.  CÚRAM will also facilitate training along with its partners. 


For information on moving to Ireland, please see 


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 

The University of Galway is committed to principles of equality and encouraging diversity and inclusion. Several of the participating academic Institutions and Schools are holders of Athena SWAN awards. We celebrate the diversity of our staff and students and work to support an inclusive environment free from discrimination and harassment.  


To Apply: The application process should include an Online application + Administrative Proposal: Part A plus Ethics Self-assessment form (including Max 2 Pages) + Part B (Research Proposal) + Academic CV (Max 3 pages with three references) 

  • Part A: Administrative Proposal: Max 1000 words: Part A 
  • Part B: The project summary (MAX 4 pages + a page appendix) and a motivation letter (max. 1 page).  
  • Academic CV: Max 3 pages (With three references).  


Candidates must develop a project proposal on CÚRAM relevant themes and submit it via the online application system. The system will remain open for applications until midnight (UTC) on the call deadline of 18th Agust 2024. 


See the Detailed Guide for Applicants, Quick Guide for Applicants, and for more information. 


For informal enquiries, contact the University of Galway programme manager at  Please put the reference number University of Galway 111-24 in the subject line of all queries related to this post. 


The closing date for submission of application 2 is 18th August 2024 at 23.59 UTC. 


We reserve the right to re-advertise or extend the closing date for this post. 


The University of Galway is an equal opportunities employer. 


All positions are recruited in line with Open, Transparent, Merit (OTM) and Competency-based Recruitment. 

Closing Date: Sunday, 18 Aug 2024

Application: MedDevDoc Marie Skłodowksa Curie Fellowship Programme 2024 (Ref 111-24)

PHD GSO 018-24 Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Soil Molecular Microbial Ecology College of Science and Engineering, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences

Application(s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time fully funded PhD scholarship starting in September 2024 affiliated to the College of Science and Engineering, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Ryan Institute at the University of Galway.

University of Galway

Located in the vibrant cultural city of Galway in the west of Ireland, the University of Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence. The University of Galway is a publicly funded university in the top 1% in the world (QS rankings) and has earned international recognition as a research-led university with a commitment to highest-quality teaching and research.

For information on moving to Ireland please see

A fully-funded 4-year PhD scholarship is available in the group of Dr Alexandre de Menezes (molecular microbial ecology and soil microbiology) in collaboration with Dr Aaron Golden (data science, bioinformatics, machine learning), and Prof. Piet Lens (environmental biotechnology) at the University of Galway. As part of this project, microbial processes that influence nitrous oxide emissions from soils will be analysed. This project will include molecular ecological techniques, DNA and RNA sequencing, analytical chemistry (gas chromatography and mass spectrometry) and machine learning methodologies.

Detailed Project Description. Agricultural soils are important sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To control agricultural GHG emissions, it is essential to understand the biological processes that generate them. This project will investigate an overlooked process that influence soil microbial nitrogen cycling, which is one of the main sources of the potent GHG nitrous oxide. By characterising this process, the project aims to offer novel ways to predict and control nitrous oxide emissions from soil. Our long-term vision is to harness the soil’s natural nitrification-inhibition processes for soil nitrous oxide mitigation and support low emissions, sustainable agriculture. The successful candidate will carry out soil microcosm experiments and use molecular biology, microbiome sequencing and shot-gun metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to characterize the relationships between soil gases and soil carbon and nitrogen cycling. The PhD student will work closely with a postdoctoral researcher and a research assistant.

Living allowance (Stipend): €22,000 tax-exempt per annum

University fees: Tuition will be paid for 4 years.

Start date: September – October 2024 (negotiable).S

Academic Entry Requirements: a BSc and/or MSc in biology, microbiology, biochemistry, environmental science, ecology or related fields. Candidates must have good academic English writing and speaking proficiency. Strong interest in metagenomics, bioinformatics, machine learning and environmental sustainability will be an advantage.

To Apply for the Scholarship: please send your CV, a statement of interest including a summary of previous research experience (maximum 1 page), copies of transcripts and contact details for at least two referees to

Contact Name: Dr Alexandre de Menezes.

Contact Email:

Application Deadline: 12/07/2024 at 23:59 (Irish time 24hr format)

Primary Supervisor name (if applicable): Dr Alexandre de Menezes.

Closing Date: Sunday, 28 Jul 2024

Application: PHD GSO 018_24 Funded PhD Scholarship in Soil Molecular Microbial Ecology

Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Gamma Radiation Dose Evaluation (GRaDE) - Outdoor gamma dose evaluation for the Irish population College of Science and Engineering / School of Natural Sciences

Application(s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time funded PhD scholarship(s) starting in [September/October,2024] affiliated to the [College of Science and Engineering / School of Natural Sciences / Earth and Ocean Sciences / Ryan Institute] at the University of Galway.

University of Galway

Located in the vibrant cultural city of Galway in the west of Ireland, the University of Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence

For information on moving to Ireland please see

Detailed Project Description

External exposure to terrestrial gamma radiation represents a significant component to the total average annual dose received by a person living in Ireland from all sources of ionising radiation. External gamma ray doses from natural radionuclides originate largely from the decay of radionuclides belonging to the radioactive decay series of 238U, 235U and 232Th, as well as from the decay of 40K, all of which have been present on the Earth since its formation. In addition, a number of artificial radionuclides (e.g., 137Cs and 241Am) have been deposited throughout Ireland as a result of fallout from nuclear weapons testing and accidental releases such as those from the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents. Since terrestrial gamma radiation depends on the nature of the underlying bedrock and soil composition, as well as the pattern of deposition of artificial radionuclides, an individual’s annual dose as a result of this exposure pathway will largely be determined by their place of residence. Several studies of gamma dose rates from natural and artificial radionuclides in Ireland were conducted in the 1980s and 1990s, and these have formed the basis for the estimation of terrestrial gamma radiation doses in the periodic assessments which are carried out by the EPA on the average annual radiation doses received by the Irish population from all sources of ionising radiation. By undertaking a comprehensive new survey of natural and artificial radionuclide concentrations and gamma ray dose rates throughout Ireland, and linking the results of these ground surveys to the detailed radiometric data generated by the Tellus airborne surveys which have been conducted by the Geological Survey of Ireland since 2012, the GRaDE project aims to develop a better understanding of the geographical distribution of natural and artificial gamma-emitting radionuclide concentrations in the Irish terrestrial environment with a view to providing a more accurate, up to date estimate of the average annual effective dose that a member of the Irish public receives as a result of exposure from terrestrial gamma radiation. By making use of a combination of high-resolution gamma spectrometry measurements, direct gamma dose rates gathered in the field using calibrated field monitors, and the gamma dose rates inferred from available aerial radiometric data on uranium, thorium and potassium concentrations, and 137Cs deposition from the Tellus programme, a set of new, high-resolution maps on radionuclide concentrations and gamma ray dose rates throughout Ireland will be generated using appropriate Geographical Information Systems (GIS) tools. These maps, together with information on population density, will be used to generate a map of outdoor gamma ray doses in Ireland and to investigate the range and average annual doses to a member of the Irish public arising from terrestrial gamma radiation.

The work undertaken by the PhD student will include a combination of fieldwork (soil sampling), radiometric determination using high-resolution gamma spectrometry with HPGe detectors and in-situ air kerma dose rate measurements using portable detectors. In addition the student will analyse the Tellus airborne radiometric survey blocks and seek how best to integrate them with the ground samples within a GIS framework to construct the new national map. The student will also get to spend a period of time in EPA’s radioanalytical laboratories which are based in Dublin.

Living allowance (Stipend): €25,000 per annum, [tax-exempt scholarship award]

University fees: €5,890 including levy

Start date: 01/10/24

Academic Entry Requirements:


  • Applicants should hold, or expect to attain, as a minimum a 2:1 Honours degree, or equivalent, in Earth Science, Physical Geography, Physics and Engineering with an interest in environmental monitoring.
  • Excellent mathematical, computational and instrumentation skills.


  • Expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geospatial Data Analysis and Remote Sensing
  • Programming and or machine learning experience.
  • Research or industrial experience in any of the following Data Analytics, Remote Sensing and GIS
  • Strong communication and teamwork skills.

To Apply for the Scholarship:

Expressions of interest comprising submission of a covering letter, CV, statement of personal research interests, evidence of performance or equivalent and the contact details of two referees, to be submitted via e-mail to:

Contact Name: Dr Liam Morrison and Dr Eve Daly

Contact Email: /

Application Deadline: 22/07/2024 and time 17:00 (Irish time 24hr format)

Primary Supervisor name (if applicable): Dr Liam Morrison and Dr Eve Daly

Closing Date: Monday, 22 Jul 2024

Application: PHD GSO 003_24 v2 PhD Scholarship in Gamma Radiation Dose Evaluation (GRaDE)

Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Gene Therapy and Biomaterials for Spinal Cord Injury

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time funded PhD scholarship(s) starting in September 2024 affiliated to the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Galway.

University of Galway

Located in the vibrant cultural city of Galway in the west of Ireland, the University of Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence

For information on moving to Ireland please see

Detailed Project Description

This position is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and is available from 1st September 2024 for four years. In line with the National Framework for Doctoral education, the successful candidate will participate in a structured PhD education and training programme, providing a well-developed monitoring and mentoring support structure. Funding includes a fixed stipend of €22,000 per year along with payment of fees, and laboratory consumables for up to four years. 

This study aims to provide proof of principle for a gene therapy to improve repair and function after Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Following SCI a glial scar is produced which contains specific proteoglycans that inhibit axon growth and impede regeneration. This project aims to disrupt proteoglycan biosynthesis using short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) delivered via lentiviral vectors (LV). This disruption will be assessed using in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models of SCI. In parallel a hydrogel LV delivery system will be optimised to improve LV stability and  localisation.

Over the course of this project is anticipated that the Ph.D. student will

  1. Culture mammalian cells (cell lines and primary cells).
  2. Prepare and test LV to deliver short hairpin RNAs and fluorescent proteins.
  3. Assess changes in protein and proteoglycan levels by techniques including Western Blotting, immunocytochemistry, and fluorescence microscopy.
  4. Assess functional changes using in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo SCI models.
  5. In collaboration with researchers at the Mayo Clinic, develop a hydrogel-based delivery system for LV.
  6. Actively participate in research group meetings.
  7. Contribute to presentations at scientific meetings and to writing of scientific papers.
  8. Contribute to undergraduate and M.Sc student project supervision and laboratory-based teaching. Participate in outreach to school students and the public.

Selected Reading:

Patar, A., Dockery, P., McMahon, S. & Howard, L. Ex vivo rat transected spinal cord slices as a model to assess lentiviral vector delivery of neurotrophin-3 and short hairpin RNA against NG2. Biology (Basel). 9 (3) 54 (2020).

Shortiss, C., Howard, L. & McMahon, S. S. Lentiviral Vectors Delivered with Biomaterials as Therapeutics for Spinal Cord Injury. Cells 10, 2102 (2021).

Abu-Rub, M. T, Newland B., Naughton M., Wang W., McMahon S. and Pandit A. Non-viral xylosyltransferase-1 siRNA delivery as an effective alternative to chondroitinase in an in vitro model of reactive astrocytes. Neuroscience 339, 267–275 (2016).

Bradbury, E. J. & Burnside, E. R. Moving beyond the glial scar for spinal cord repair. Nature Communications vol. 10 (2019).

Living allowance (Stipend): €22, 000 per annum, a tax-exempt scholarship award.

University fees: Included

Start date: September 1st 2024

Academic Entry Requirements: A 2:1 degree or equivalent in a biological or biomedical science related topic. Candidates should have a high level of spoken and written English.

To Apply for the Scholarship:

Expressions of interest comprising submission of a CV, a covering letter with a statement of personal research interests and the contact details of two referees, to be submitted via e-mail to.

Contact Name: Dr Linda Howard

Contact Email:

Application Deadline: 22/07/2024 at 18:00 Irish time

Primary Supervisor name Dr Linda Howard


Closing Date: Monday, 22 Jul 2024

Application: PHD GSO 019_24 PhD Scholarship in Gene Therapy and Biomaterials for Spinal Cord

ROSETTA - Marie Skłodowksa Curie Fellowship Programme 2024

ROSETTA is an innovative fellowship programme co-ordinated by the University of Galway and will involve four other universities (Implementing Partners): University College Cork, University College Dublin, University of Limerick and Trinity College Dublin. The programme is co-funded by LERO, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, the Horizon Europe Marie Skodowska Curie Actions programme and the University of Galway. ROSETTA fellows will be provided with the highest quality research environment and a training programme where they will critically examine the development, use and regulation of technology from a time perspective across all aspects of life from children, people with disabilities, people in the workplace, to healthcare and social inclusion for older people.


ROSETTA will be recruiting 19 fellowships, each with a duration of 2 years, providing an unparalleled opportunity for Postdoctoral Researchers to delve into the critical intersection of time and technology in our rapidly evolving digital landscape. 

We are seeking fellows with an interest in the broad research area of ‘the true impact of technology on our time’ to bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to this research. Whether you're passionate about information systems, business, law, computer science, medicine, sociology, biomedical engineering, psychology, or any other related discipline, we want to hear from you!


Applications are invited from suitable candidates for 19 full-time fixed term Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral Fellows (PFs) at University of Galway. Up to 10 fellowships may be awarded on the 1st Call.


ROSETTA Fellowships are open to applicants of any nationality who have a PhD degree and comply with the programme’s eligibility criteria and mobility rule. Researchers at Risk are encouraged to apply. All candidates must discuss their research idea and proposal and seek the support of an eligible ROSETTA supervisor for their application.


All fellowships will be based in Ireland where fellows will be hosted by their ROSETTA supervisor’s host institution.


The programme aims to provide exceptional training and career development opportunities to postdoctoral researchers, fostering international mobility, intersectoral collaboration, and interdisciplinary exposure.


Further information can be found in the Guide for Applicants to ROSETTA at

This project has received co-funding from Horizon Europe’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Grant Agreement No:101126578.



Essential Criteria:

As per the MSCA definition:

  • ROSETTA is open to applicants who have a PhD degree at the call deadline. Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but have not formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered eligible to apply. The successful defence must take place before the call deadline.
  • Applicants must comply with the MSCA mobility rule: have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Ireland for more than 12 months in the three years immediately before the call deadline. Compulsory national service and short stays such as holidays are not considered.
  • Applicants must have working proficiency in English or be fluent in English. Applicants whose first language is not English may be required to provide evidence of their English proficiency.


Please note:


Gross Salary:

Remuneration is in line with EC rules for Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND grants.


Level 1: €50,124 gross salary* per annum (excluding family allowance) or €57,252 gross salary* per annum (if conditions for family allowance are met).


*Gross salary is inclusive of a mobility allowance of €6,480 annually payable as part of their gross salary which shall be fixed for 24 months during the fellowship period.


Salaries are subject to taxes and deductions, e.g., deduction of PRSI (employee social security), and income taxes. For more information about tax entitlements, please go to



Training and Career Development

Fellows are encouraged to avail of training and development opportunities to support their career development plans. All fellowships will include a secondment period. Fellows will have the flexibility to select a secondment with the non-academic or academic sector to suit their research and career development. Researchers are encouraged to engage with our Researcher Development Centre (RDC) upon employment. The RDC is an initiative of the offices of the VPR and Graduate Studies to support the continuing professional development of all our researchers at University of Galway.


For information on moving to Ireland, please see 


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The University of Galway is committed to principles of equality and encouraging diversity and inclusion. Several of the participating academic Institutions and Schools are holders of Athena SWAN awards. We celebrate the diversity of our staff and students and work to support an inclusive environment free from discrimination and harassment.



To Apply: The application process should include an Online application + Administrative Proposal as follows:

  • Part A: Administrative Proposal: Max 2000 characters
  • Part B: Research Proposal (max. 10 pages)
  • Part C: Academic CV: Max 5 pages (With three references)
  • Part D: Ethics Issues Table and Self-Assessment Form


Candidates must develop a project proposal in line with ROSETTA Research Themes and submit their complete application via the online application system. The system will remain open for applications until midnight (UTC) on the call deadline of Friday, 27th September 2024.


See Guidance Documents, Terms & Conditions and for more information.


For informal enquiries, contact the University of Galway programme manager at rosetta@lero.iePlease put reference number University of Galway 110-24 in subject line of all queries related to this post.


The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday, 27th September 2024 at 23.59 UTC.


We reserve the right to re-advertise or extend the closing date for this post. 


The University of Galway is an equal opportunities employer. 


All positions are recruited via an internationally advertised open call for proposals. The evaluation and selection process will follow an Open, Transparent, Merit (OTM) and Competency-based Recruitment process and will include an international peer review followed by an interview stage.

Closing Date: Friday, 27 Sep 2024

Application: ROSETTA- Marie Skłodowksa Curie Fellowship Programme 2024

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